Welcome to my Blog!

I don't know how you found me or how you found my blog, but I am glad you did. After you look around, you'll be glad too!

If you are hurting from a breakup then I wished we had met under happier circumstances. I know firsthand what a painful situation you are going through. It hurts so much that sometimes I felt like ending my life just so I could end the pain. Don't do that! In retrospect I can see how stupid that would have been! Look around the blog and I hope that you are able to pick up some tidbit of info that will help you feel better.

If you are here to discover some secrets to a happier relationship and ignite your passion once again, congratulations. You've come to the right place.

You can read through the posts and discover a lot of really useful information on securing a healthy relationship. There is also a very good book mentioned a few times in my blog. It is called, The Magic of Making Up. It is a great resource for mending and/or improving your relationship.

If you are not broken up then you can learn how to increase your passion.

If you are in a broken relationship, you can discover ways to heal your relationship.

Whatever is the right thing for you to do...enjoy your time here!

You can also leave me a comment if you have some ideas of your own or if you have a question. Check back often because I do respond to your comments.

Praying for the best for you,

Monday, November 30, 2009

Can I Get My Girlfriend Back?

If you’re wondering, “Can I get my ex girlfriend back?” then the breakup must not have been so devastating that you think the relationship can’t be saved. At least you must hope that it can be saved and thinking it is half the battle. You’ll have to hope she feels the same way. If you hurt your ex during the split then you should apologize, now’s the time to say you’re sorry. Being sorry and sincerely showing it is a good first step. There is a correct way to say your sorry and T Dub and shows you in a video the right way to do this.

Can I get my ex girlfriend back by showing my sensitive side?

Well, there’s no guarantee you’ll get back together, but the odds are more and more in your favor when you do things right. Show her how much you miss her, and how sorry you are. Just pay attention to what she does. Consider her feelings and communicate on a level that she will understand. The old words that actions speak louder than words are even more true when speaking to a woman. Heed these words of wisdom. If your gestures of sorrow only make her angry—she throws away the roses or something dramatic like that, for example—change your tactics until you find that particular something she will respond to. Remember that women and men are NOT created equal.

If flowers or cards frustrate her, for example, maybe that’s because it’s easy to pick up the phone and order flowers or buy a card someone else wrote. Try putting yourself in her shoes and try to figure out something more appealing. Buy a blank card and write your own verse in it. It doesn’t have to rhyme, in fact, many times it’s better if it doesn’t. Try to honestly express how you feel. Or pick flowers and present her with a bouquet that you put together all by yourself. Remember that a woman is defined by all the senses. She is many faceted and you must appeal to all of her senses.

A common complaint among women is that men aren’t thoughtful. Were you thoughtful during the relationship? Now you might be wondering, can I get my ex girlfriend back by being thoughtful? Not necessarily, but it’s one more step toward your goal of getting her back. Every positive action you can do builds up to make it easier and easier for her to come back to you. Like an onion, a relationship with a woman can have many layers. Build those layers in your favor. Don’t expect things to happen right away, though.

If you spent your relationship rarely doing thoughtful things, or you only did them in the beginning, she’ll probably doubt the things you do now. Just be patient, and keep up your efforts. Don’t appear frustrated or angry. Do the thoughtful things because it feels good to make her happy, not because you’re working toward a goal. If you appear to be doing something only because you some hidden agenda, she will recognize this as only a temporary change and think that you are a fake. Be consistent in your actions and words so that you do not come off as phony. You have to genuinely want to be thoughtful of her.

Can I get my ex girlfriend back by dating other women?

If it’s been a long time since the breakup, and you’re still working on being thoughtful, a casual date seems harmless and may make her wish she was your date, but go too far and it could backfire. She may see this as you being two-faced. Like why is he wooing me while he's involved with someone else?

Can I get my ex girlfriend back if she has a boyfriend?

The odds are against it, but if you can show her that she’ll be happier with you than the new boyfriend you’ll have a good chance. Forget the odds and go for what you want. Appeal to her in ways he can't and you'll have an even better chance of building a relationship with her. Being thoughtful will go a long way toward showing her that. Even if it seems hopeless, don’t give up.

If it appears she’s moved on, still send her a card you wrote just wishing her a great week. But don’t look as if you have any expectations. Your thoughtfulness will really impress her if it is genuine.

The points made above are only just one step in the equation of getting your true love back. The important thing is to have a step by step plan that will lead you in your heartfelt pursuit.

Frankly, that's what I did when my true love dumped me. I followed a plan authored by T 'Dub' Jackson. When my cause was almost hopeless and I was dieing inside, it hauled me up by my bootstraps and helped me get my life's love back. It's called "The Magic of Making Up" and you can check it out at: http://1042csm00.makingup.hop.clickbank.net

Friday, November 27, 2009

I Am Heartbroken, Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?

You've probably in a relationship for a while; you really never thought that it wasn't going to last and then, all of a sudden, BAM...he says it's over.

If you’ve just been through a breakup then at least several times a day you’re probably thinking to yourself, ‘Can I get my ex boyfriend back?” Every relationship is different, so every breakup is different. There are some common threads though of a healthy relationship that will work for you no matter what the reason that you broke up. There are some things you can do to help get him back.

Be nice.

That might go without saying, but some people think nagging is the best way to get what they want. It’s not. If you nag, complain or act unpleasant, you’re just reminding him of things he wants to get away from. If you make things uncomfortable every time you see him, he’ll only want to see you less and less. Remember what your mother always told you, "You can attract more bees with honey than you can with vinegar."

The last thing you want to do is drive him farther away. Be as pleasant as you can whenever you’re around him, unless the only way to do so is to be absolutely fake. Nasty is not good, fake is worse.

If you’re wondering, can I get my ex boy friend back by pretending to be this way or that way? then one would have to wonder why you want to be back with him anyway. You might be better off finding someone who doesn’t make you need to pretend. You need a relationship where you can be you. Honest, pure and real!

If you can be pleasant, then whatever problems you had before the breakup probably don’t seem nearly as important now. You might find yourself wondering why you weren’t more pleasant when you were together.

You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it when you’re back together. Point out situations in the past and let him know that you did take him for granted. He probably took you for granted too, but don’t expect him to admit it now.

Some other things you might be thinking of trying could either be disastrous or they could work in your favor.

Can I get my ex boyfriend back if he has a girlfriend?

This is probably the hardest situation to overcome. Not only is it difficult to be alone with him if he has someone else, he’s focused on the new relationship. You’re part of the past, and not a priority. Being nice right now is crucial. You have to make him see how wonderful you are and how much he’s missing. Don't try to sabotage his new relationship but make it evident to him that one is possible with you should he change his mind and want to come back.

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by trickery?

No matter what kind of deception you’re thinking of, even if it doesn’t seem harmful—forget it now. Even the most innocent-seeming lie or exaggeration could backfire later. What’s the point of figuring out how to get him back only to lose him a little while later because he finds out about your dishonesty? When you get him back you want it to be forever, so don't undermine your relationship before it hardly gets started.

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by making him jealous?

It’s possible, but it could also backfire and make him think you’ve moved on. If you really feel the need to date, then do so only if you need dating to be happy.

But if you’re considering going out with someone just to make your ex jealous, that’s not really fair to your date, or you. Games like this usually don’t work. Be honest with yourself and others, and you stand a better chance of getting back together with your ex. You are being unfair to yourself, your date and your ex.

These aren't my original ideas. I learned them from a book on fixing my relationship. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.

What Should I Do To Get My Ex Back?

Breaking up is really hard to do and when you break up with someone you love, you go through lots of painful emotions. And lots. And lots. And lots. You feel sad, lost, depressed and hurt. You miss them. You wonder to yourself how you're ever going to be able to make it through a single day without them. “What should I do to get my ex back?” becomes a question you constantly ask yourself. Over and over again.

There are many websites, books, blogs, forums and even courses designed to answer that very question...what should I do to get my ex back? Your common sense can really make a difference after a breakup. And common courtesy can go long way toward healing your relationship too. Think of the other person rather than just yourself. You know, they might be hurting too, after all, they were part of the relationship also.

If you’re preoccupied with your lost relationship, wondering “what should I do to get my ex back?” then take it from me. To give yourself the best chance of getting back together with that special someone, then follow this simple advice.

Don’t play games. This is very important, but unfortunately many people resort to playing games during breakups because it gives them a sense of power. If you can make the other person think that you don’t care about them, or if you make them think that you care more than you really do, you’re manipulating them and that can feel great. But it won’t feel great for long. And you're a jerk because you are a manipulating person, so your ex just might be better off without you.

Eventually you’ll realize that lying and tricking the other person isn’t a good feeling. And anything good that happens because of it will probably only be temporary because it was based on a lie.

Some people play games where they pretend to be dating someone else, or they pretend to be in love with someone else. This is a ploy to make the ex jealous. While it does work now and then, other times it makes the breakup permanent because it backfires. Your ex honestly believes that you have moved on and have no interest in them.

Your ex could be so jealous at the thought of you being with someone else that they want you back. Or they could decide that since you moved on so quickly, you don’t really care about them anyway. You have no way of knowing which way this ploy will work until it’s too late. So you are much better off just staying away from this approach. Be considerate.

Don’t be mean. This holds true in any situation or any relationship, but sometimes the anger around a breakup makes us act more viciously than we normally might. Even if you’re hurt, the fact that you want to know, ‘What should I do to get my ex back?” shows that you’re ready to forgive that person. If you couldn’t, you wouldn’t want your ex back, you’d be glad it was over. Be nice and be genuine.

Now, think about how you’ve been acting. If you were your ex, would you look forward to spending time with you or talking to you? Or would you dread each time? Do you shout and nag? Even if you feel like raising all kinds of arguments, simply don’t. Work very hard at controlling your anger and hurt, and being a person they can miss. Many times if you can learn the art of self-control, this alone may enough to remedy your breakup.

“What should I do to get my ex back?” Be on your best behavior and make your ex remember what drew them to you in the first place. They’ll remember your good points and will miss them. Then you’ll have a better chance of being able to get back together with your ex.

These are just the beginning steps in winning your ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called, The Magic Of Making Up. And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How I Can Get My Ex Back With A Confident Attitude

Although a breakup with a boyfriend or with a girlfriend is usually really depressing, it does not necessarily need to mean that the relationship is over. Even if the breakup suddenly leaves you with a feeling of confusion and loneliness, you may still feel really eager to heal the wounds and jump right back in to that relationship with your ex. Hooray, because you can do it! If you are asking yourself "How can I get my ex back?", then there are some things you need to know. If you learn the correct way to respond following a break up, and you become aware of how not to strain the relationship even further, then getting your ex back will be easier than you imagined.

It can seem hard to keep up a cheerful attitude throughout your day following a breakup, but it is believed by relationship experts that an optimistic and confident attitude can go a long way toward mending the relationship. So...let a smile be your umbrella! Here are some of the ways that a confident attitude can answer the question "how can I get my ex back?"

Keep your confidence - If you are asking "how can I get my ex back?", then you should remain confident. Rather than going around feeling gloomy and acting all depressed, try to find ways that you can keep yourself occupied and happy. Keep the depression out of your demeanor. Allow your ex boyfriend or girlfriend to know that you are strong and that you are more than capable of handling such an emotional situation. You are capable of surviving on your own.

Remain socially active - If getting your ex back is your primary focus, surround yourself with well wishers, positive attitudes and good friends. Show your ex that people appreciate you, and that they love having you around. As more people begin to feel good about your presence in their lives, your ex will begin to see you in a completely new light. He or she will realize that yes, you are a good person that they simply cannot afford to let go of. This is one of the best ways to let your ex see you in a new and, possibly, different light.

Maintain a good appearance - Another solution to "How can I get my ex back?" is not to let your appearance reflect your situation. You need to pay attention to every detail of your looks, including your clothes, your make up, your hair, your stride, your shoes and even your voice. It can be hard to act happy or to take care of yourself following a bad breakup, but this is one of the best ways that you can let your ex know that you are doing just fine. You do not need to beg for his or her sympathy. You are going to get back together like adults who are mature and responsible if you are going to get back together at all.

If this information is helping you see the best scenario for fixing your relationship then you will also want to watch the free videos here.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

3 Steps To Get Back Together With Your Ex

Have you just recently experienced a break up, and you are wondering "how can I get back together with my ex”? You may want to alleviate your pain as soon as possible and get your ex back immediately. This is a common feeling that everyone experiences. The pain of breakup is so overwhelming that all you can do is think of ways to remedy it.

You might find yourself falling into an emotionally depressed state, and you may find yourself wondering what to do next. You may immediately feel like calling your ex and begging him or her to come back to you. Sometimes we are so irrational because all we can think of is getting back together and ending the pain of the breakup. Is this really going to make things better? I don't think so. Rather than make things better, what it is probably going to do is make your situation much worse. You could possible be doing something that is going to chase your ex away even further.

What you should actually do at this point is the opposite of what you are feeling. Take the approach of sort of a reverse psychology. Do you feel like calling your ex? Don't! Do you feel like staying inside and crying all day long? Don't! Instead, follow these three basic steps and you will discover the answer that you need to the ever imposing question "How do I get back together with my ex?"

Step 1 - How to get back with my ex: Accept the Break Up!

That doesn't mean that you have to like it; it just means that you understand that this breakup may be what he/she needs right now and you are okay with that.
First and foremost, you need to accept that the break up is happening. Tell your ex that you are okay with it, and allow the "moving on" process to begin. When you do this, it will eliminate a large amount of the tension and stress that is being experienced by both of you. Your ex will need time to think about the relationship, and this will give you time as well to consider your options. If your ex realizes that he or she still loves you, they will find a way to get back with you.

Step 2 - How to get back with my ex: Do not contact your ex!

No matter how badly you want to make contact with them, DO NOT text, call, Facebook, MySpace, leave notes on their car or under their door...leave them alone for a little while! Do not make an effort to contact your ex anymore right now. You should cut communication off with him or her so that there can be some "thinking time". This may seem counterintuitive, but by cutting communication off you are signaling that you are understanding of their needs and you are doing just fine.

This will allow him or her to think about the relationship and how they feel about its value. It will also allow them to have some time to miss you again. When you can separate yourself from your ex and can calm your nerves then this will be the best time for them to realize how important you were to them.

Step 3 - How to get back with my ex: Plan Ahead for the Get Together!

When you finally do get your second chance, you don't want to be a fumbling idiot that blows it again. Once you have completed the two steps mentioned just above, you can start working on planning when you should meet, where you should meet, and also what should be said when you do meet up again. This will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not your ex still loves you, and also if there is any chance that you and your ex will be able to get back together.

"How to get back with my ex?" Can be a little more complicated than the three steps above. But they are a good start and will improve your chances of winning your ex back.

If you want to get some other great ideas on starting the process of getting back with your ex, take a look at these free videos.

If You Want To Get Back With Your Girlfriend Then Consider These Ideas

Sometimes when a relationship suddenly ends, either one or both parties involved may still be in doubt as to whether the end is really the end. This is especially true when a relationship is new. Can it really be over? Some men simply cannot accept the fact that their girlfriend walked away. Therefore, they find themselves still hoping she'll still be there in the morning and that it was all a dream. Are you asking "How can I get back together with my ex girlfriend"? It is important that you create a plan regarding how to do it.

In order to get back together with your ex girlfriend, there are a number of things that you can do. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind when working through this process.

1) There is always a second chance for everyone, so it's not impossible for you to get back together with your ex girlfriend. Realize this and quit causing yourself all kinds of anguish about getting a second chance. First, you should ask yourself some questions. Do you still love her? Do you really want her back? Why? Are you trying to get her back because you don't want to be alone, or because you don't believe you should have been dumped? Or maybe you are genuinely committed to making this relationship work. If you are looking for a way to get back with your ex for reasons other than love, you are playing a dangerous game that would be better off avoided. Don't play into the game of being vengeful.

2) Do not appear desperate or needy to your girlfriend. If your priority is "how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?" then you don't want to appear to her as though you are smotheringly begging for her to take you back. Although you may feel desperate, and you may really want her back, you absolutely need to control your emotions, keeping those needy, greedy ones to yourself. If you cannot help yourself, then it may be wise to talk to your friends or family so you can cry your heart out where she cannot see. Do not beg or cry in front of your girlfriend, however, and absolutely do not stalk her. Not with your cell phone, not through texting, not IMing, not socially posting to her on Facebook or MySpace...whether you think so or not, these can be forms of stalking.

3) Learn how to control your feelings. Get off your pity pot...forget about the self pity and instead work on the positive aspects of sorting things through with your ex. If you appear too needy, or if you come off as too desperate, she may end up avoiding you even more. No one wants to be smothered by someone!

4) Keep the communication lines with your ex open. She may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You should be available for her to communicate with her if she wants, but remember, do not stalk her. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her if this is her choice. Keep in touch casually.

If you agree with any of this information and would like to see some free videos about fixing your relationship, watch these.

Monday, November 23, 2009

5 Ways To Get Your Ex Back--Interested?

There are a variety of subjects which should be considered in order to keep a relationship healthy and strong. All of these have been thoroughly explored in this blog--if I haven't touched on them yet, then I will.

Relationships are fragile bonds that need to be built up and maintained in order to keep them healthy and allow them to flourish. Keeping a healthy relationship is a lot of work, but well worth whatever effort it takes. Through a natural cause of events, unfortunately, break ups do happen. They are beyond what we can conceive as painful and heart wrenching. They are more than just nerve wracking, stressful and frustrating. If you are involved in a relationship that breaks up, you may be thinking that you want to get back at your ex. First, you must confront yourself and ask, is this really the best step to take?

One of the most influential ways that you can actually start the process of getting back with your ex may put your ex in an interesting predicament. It may also repair the relationship by showing your ex how important you are and were to them. So not only are these 5 tips excellent methods for getting your ex back, but they will also put your ex in the position of seeing you for what you really are. Not for how they are imagining you since the breakup. I am not an advocate of being vengeful, but often times these very steps will get back at your ex as well as get your ex back.

1) Be strong. No one needs the needy, and this saying also applies very well when it comes to broken up relationships. You need to stop begging, clinging or exhibiting the behavior of someone who is feeling desperate. These days this is quite an achievement...what with cell phones, texting, IMing, Facebook and MySpace and all sorts of instant communication. Let your ex think that you have moved on just fine without them by acting strong and giving your ex some space. Give your ex a chance to miss you. How can your ex miss you if you're still clinging to them like a vine on a grape arbor? DON'T BE CLINGY! When you have moved on, then you can proceed with winning your ex back.

2) Minimize communication. Closing the doors of communication may appear counterintuitive when your primary focus is to rekindle things, but it is one of the most important steps when getting your ex back. You don't want to smother your ex. Sort of think of things as a flame that you want to encourage to grow. Don't cut off the oxygen and smother it. Take a break from your ex, close off communication, and let him or her stew for a little while without any contact. This will allow your ex to clear his or her mind and realize how valuable your relationship was.

3) Be flexible. Do not be forceful with your ex, demanding that they move out, or pick their things up by a certain date. Be flexible, be a listener and a sympathizer. Care more for their feelings than you do your own. Don't only be concerned with yourself and spend all of your time thinking 'me, me, me'. Be considerate of your ex's feelings too. Did you know they are going through a breakup also? Your ex might be surprised when they see this side of you, and it just may inspire them to build the lines of communication that were lacking when the breakup came into play.

4) Go out! This is no time for you to be alone. Call your friends and get out of the house. Don't sit at home waiting for the phone to ring, all the while crying to yourself, because your ex isn't calling you. Develop a social network and enjoy some entertainment in your life. This does not mean you need to date, or even pay attention to the opposite sex, but you do need to be getting out and enjoying your time with your friends. Not only will this be therapeutic for you, but it will also help convince your ex that they lost a gem.

5) Simply be yourself. If your ex fell in love with you once; it can happen again! There was a really good reason for why you and your ex had a relationship to begin with, so go back to being yourself and let your ex remember why they loved you in the first place. This renewed self perception of your own self will surely rub off on your ex as well. You are valuable; you just need to give your ex the opportunity to realize it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Let's Start To Get Your Ex Back

Did you just experience a break up? If so, then first off let me tell you how much I feel for you. I understand the hurt feelings, the pain of rejection and the suffering of a broken heart. Waking up to a day that you don't even care if you wake up to. Not wanting anything except that person who made your heart sing. I'm sorry with you that you had to go through this, but don't despair...things are going to get better; you can weather this storm.

Are you wondering how to go get an ex back? Nearly every adult has experienced some sort of a break up, whether it be with a girlfriend/boyfriend, a spouse or a significant other whom you lived with and shared your life for a considerable amount of time. Most of these people just work on healing from the breakup, moving on to what are supposed to be happier days and accepting the fact that the other person has gone forward in a different direction. Not so many are looking for a way to get an ex back. But if you are through with playing the victim and want to put some work into yourself and get your ex back, then there are options for you. Many folks out there deal with the situation of a breakup, but does breaking up simply mean that you cannot get back together with your ex? No way!

The fact is, over 90 percent of the people who want to get back with their ex actually do it. There is no reason why you cannot get an ex back after a break up providing that you know what steps are necessary to win your ex back. The first step in learning how to get an ex back is to determine what exactly happened that caused the break up. This can be a really tough determination. Many breakups stem from the fact that the genders are so different and there's a lot of room for misunderstanding and bad communication. You can feel exactly the same love for each other, but because men and women express it differently, it can easily be mistaken by a woman as "not-love" or a man as "smothering". Even though you cannot go back into the past and you cannot change what happened, you can try to learn from the mistakes that were made and you can grow from the experience.

The break up may have occurred because of a single event, or it may have occurred from behaviors that your ex could not deal with anymore. No matter what the reason was that led to the breakup, you need to get the specifics figured out so that you can deal with the situation if it should never come up again. You really have to explore what happened and then try to approach it from the other's point of view. You can get an ex back if you know how, but if you want to make it work on a long term basis, you need to figure out what went wrong in the first place. Then never let that happen again!

The next step in the process is to ensure that you are not coming off as a needy person. Everyone will feel like they cannot live without their ex, but there is no point in making this obvious. We all go through that pain and shock of not being able to bear the thought of living without the other, much less functioning, but one of the secrets is to swallow that pain and not let the other person know about it. It would work in conjunction with the old adage, "Fake it 'til you make it". You should stay strong, and let your ex see that you are doing just fine by yourself. If you let everyone around you see your comfort and self confidence, then you will have a better chance of getting back together with your ex. Nobody wants a totally needy person to hang around their necks like an albatross and burden their ways, but they do want to follow a strong, confident person who knows where they are going and how they are going to get there. Or at least they seem like they do!

Trying to get back at your ex, or trying to make your ex jealous is not a good way to operate. These tactics usually backfire, plus they hurt the person you are using to make your ex jealous. Don't use people like that! You are better than that! In fact, these are some of the worst things that you can possibly do, because it will show your ex that he or she should simply move on because you already have. While you do want your ex to see that you're doing okay, you do not want it to inspire him or her to completely move on if your ideal scenario is to get back together. Let your ex see how strong and self confident you are, and they will feel inspired to get back together with you.

Don't try any tactics that cause you to be manipulative! This is so unattractive. Nobody should get into a relationship with a manipulative person. It really is a no-win situation. Manipulative people are usually self-seeking and egotistical, which are also very unattractive traits.

Friday, November 20, 2009

How Can I Tell If My Ex Wants To Get Back With Me

Sometimes we can be unsure if our ex wants to get back with us or not. "How can I tell?" you might ask.

Well, if your ex is showing you a little bit of interest or, at least, seems interested in going out and spending time with you more than before then these can be taken as positive signs. If you are getting a sense that your ex is trying to flirt with you, then that can also be taken as a positive sign and it's okay to be hopeful. BUT you need to avoid jumping the gun. Don't jump from the kettle into the frying pan. You'll only get burned worse.

These are definitely encouraging signs that your ex is interested in getting you back. But even if you want to get back with your ex, you should not simply jump into things. The moment she gets near your cave you don't want to clobber her and drag her in...be patient. You know there's a reason why patience is thought of as a virtue. If you seem overanxious, you will probably push her away again. The best way to play things is to play hard to get (in moderation), which is probably what your ex will best respond to anyway. In fact, if your ex is giving indications that she wants you back, then the odds are that it was you playing it cool that led to the renewed interest in the first place.

Usually when you break up with your ex, or he or she breaks up with you, there is a natural level of missing one another, or longing to get back together. This is especially true following a relationship of a year or longer. You are so used to having the other by your side. You are comfortable together so, your ex is probably going to miss you no matter what, because of all the memories you both shared together during this period of time. But there are other emotions that come into play including past regrets. If you are wondering "does my ex want to get back with me" the odds are that your ex may be thinking the same thing for the same reasons.

Sometimes when an ex shows interest again following a break up however, it is only a game. They may see that you love them, and they may simply be trying to get attention, without actually intending to get you back. So, unless your ex really seems genuinely interested in spending time with you, they may just be passing the time because they have no other prospects on the horizon. Or worst of all they may see this as a way to get revenge for some perceived wrong. This is why it is important not to jump the gun, and why you should focus on understanding the situation before you act on it. You don't want to get played into a scenario of vulnerability.

It's better to get a feel for the situation before you act. Although a lot of people succumb to the question "does my ex want to get back with me" you are much better off being safe rather than sorry. In reality, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting back with you.

If any of this makes sense to you and you want to watch some free videos to get some other ideas, click here.

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

A lot of guys find themselves asking "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" following a breakup. It's like the old song goes, sometimes you just don't know what you've got until it's gone. They begin to start thinking and philosophizing about everything that they could have done differently. They even begin to make plans about apology letters and other things that might be able to help them score their relationship back. Problem is they don't know how to think and feel like a woman, so they are way off base thinking they can do this all by themselves.

This tends to be a dead end for one reason above all else: Because you can never really tell what the real reasons were behind a breakup. Women are emotional and sometimes they do not even know what led to the break up. They may not even know know what is making them feel the way they do. Often what is a problem is simply a failure to communicate. Do not fear though, makes friends with the conflict. In many circumstances it is only harmful to lose all your energy trying to figure out what went wrong.

The first main strategy to answer the question about "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" is to forget about the relationship for a while, putting your energy into something else. Go out, make friends, have fun, network, and forget about women in general. Set some realistic goals about expanding your repertoire when it comes to seduction and meeting people.

Give yourself a couple of months and make changes in your life. Take some time away from your ex and it will work wonders.

The effect that strategies like this will have, is that it will allow you to make gradual changes in your life. It also allows you to make changes in how you perceive the subject of relationships. After a few months, you may have a much better idea of how you want to proceed with your ex.

Do you still want to get back together with her? Or are you ready to move on? Act accordingly. If you still want to get back together with her, it might be time to figure out how she is feeling about you.

Now is your chance to be a little more direct when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. You need to play strategically, however. Do not simply beg her to get back with you, because this is not a good time to be emotional.

Instead, what you should be doing is playing things cool with your ex. If you have spent enough time apart from her, she is probably missing you as badly as you are missing her. Show her that you are doing fine without her, but don't over do it by playing too hard to get. This will inspire her to really rethink things.

If getting back together with your ex really is meant to be, now is the time when it will become apparent. Be careful not to analyze things too much, because over analyzing may prevent you from acting the right way when trying to figure out "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back". Just take things slow and play them cool and you should be fine.

For other tips on making this work and also to watch some free videos click here.

What's Something I Can Do To Get My Ex Back

Do you feel like everything you do pushes your ex away further? I did. It was like one of those Chinese finger traps. The more I wrestled with the thoughts, the worse the situation got.

Every moment... does it seem that you are you asking yourself, "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back"? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

If you play scenes over and over again in your mind of how things are going to be between the two of you then, obviously, right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship. I would venture my best guess that saving your relationship is what led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back then you may be behaving in the wrong way. Your actions are causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.

Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, STOP! If you are asking yourself, "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then the answer is that you need to stop doing these things right now. It's like fighting an uphill battle. You are spinning your wheels and making huge ruts that you are only going to get stuck in.

So if you are asking yourself what you can do to get your ex boyfriend back then follow this strategy instead.

You are going to need to take a completely fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while. Try doing your own thing. During this time, where there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life. Maybe you can take the opportunity to lose that few extra pounds that you've been meaning to lose, but can't because "he" always wants to go out for fast food. Take some "me" time for yourself. Get your nails done or go out with your girlfriends. Do anything rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline on your part to prevent you from returning to your old ways. Remember what we've always heard..."never let them see you sweat". You don't want to give your ex the pleasure of witnessing the anguish he is putting you through. Don't ever go this route.

Give him the opportunity to miss you.

During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you. That's just not possible when you are smothering him.

You must remember, and this is key, that the strategy for repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then by now you should have a fairly basic understanding on some common mistakes that can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy then you can restore a balance to your sanity and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place.

Keep yourself grounded and, at all costs, avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded of why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get. Don't over do it, but let him make the first move. Following this basic premise will allow you to become the hunted rather than the hunter. You will come out on top.

If you would like to watch some free videos and get some more ideas for handling the situation, visit here.

Making Up After Breaking Up

Making up after breaking up. Is that all you want to do? Sometimes the pain seems almost unbearable. You can't help but think about that other person. You can't eat, sleep or bear the thought of going forward without, what you consider, to be your better half.

I can understand where you are coming from. I've been there and done that. And I never want to go through that again. It is so painful to go through the emotional turmoil of breaking up.

One of the first things you need to do though is realize that it isn't your fault. Nothing that you could have said or done would have truly made a difference in the outcome without some alternate gender wisdom.

Men and women are wired differently. They think differently and they feel differently about everything. Life choices, values and morals, even rules for life.

Think about it. Here is an example. Consider the way a man and a woman view a public restroom in a restaurant. A woman will ask another woman at the table if she'd like to go with her to the bathroom. Would a man ever do this? No way!

A woman can go into the bathroom, meet a total stranger, carry on a conversation with her and leave with a new best friend. Would a man ever do this? No way!

A man goes into the bathroom, does his business and leaves. He doesn't talk to anyone. He doesn't even really want to make eye contact with anyone.

Here's another example. Consider how a man and a woman handle the situation of getting lost on their way to drive someplace.

A woman stops and asks for directions. A man just drives around sightseeing until he can get his bearings and figure out the correct way to go.

If you just stop and think about it, then you know that life is full of these differences. Neither person is better than the other...they are just different.

For the same reason a woman sees a different approach to making up than a man does.

So...if you want to get your man back, then you are going to have to approach the situation the way a man views it. He's got to "get it" for it to work.

Take a look at The Magic of Making Up. It is a short report written by a man, T.W. Jackson. He makes sense and he "gets it". He has helped thousands of people in countries all over the world.

Everything can change if you change your perspective. You can view some free videos that T Dub (that's what he likes to be called) has made and see that you really can save your relationship if that's what you want.

Click here to watch the free videos.

I can understand the pain and frustration that you must be going through and I really want to help you. Just think about this.