Welcome to my Blog!

I don't know how you found me or how you found my blog, but I am glad you did. After you look around, you'll be glad too!

If you are hurting from a breakup then I wished we had met under happier circumstances. I know firsthand what a painful situation you are going through. It hurts so much that sometimes I felt like ending my life just so I could end the pain. Don't do that! In retrospect I can see how stupid that would have been! Look around the blog and I hope that you are able to pick up some tidbit of info that will help you feel better.

If you are here to discover some secrets to a happier relationship and ignite your passion once again, congratulations. You've come to the right place.

You can read through the posts and discover a lot of really useful information on securing a healthy relationship. There is also a very good book mentioned a few times in my blog. It is called, The Magic of Making Up. It is a great resource for mending and/or improving your relationship.

If you are not broken up then you can learn how to increase your passion.

If you are in a broken relationship, you can discover ways to heal your relationship.

Whatever is the right thing for you to do...enjoy your time here!

You can also leave me a comment if you have some ideas of your own or if you have a question. Check back often because I do respond to your comments.

Praying for the best for you,

Monday, August 23, 2010

You Really Need To Talk To Your Ex

If you want to get your ex back then one of the things that you should do is that you ought to talk to your ex, calmly and logically, if that's possible. Depending on how you ended things, and who did the actual ending, talking to an ex is a relative thing. It can be the equivalent to torture. Or maybe it will be no big deal.

For instance, I have an ex that is a good friend. I can talk to him about anything. I could even get by with asking him to do favors for me!

Then on the other hand, I have some exes that are so loathsome to me, I would rather pull the skin off of my body, inch by inch than to even try and deal with them.

That just goes to show you that you can never tell. Only the people involved can tell what type of friendship that they can have after a breakup. Or if a friendship is even possible! It won't always be!

If you did manage to end things in a fairly adult manner then talking to your ex should be easy. Granted, for the first few minutes, things are bound to be tense, and that is normal. Just smile, relax and hopefully things will even out fairly quick.

If it is a social event and you have just bumped into each other, keep things light and casual. Exchange a few pleasantries and then move on.

If however you have a set purpose in speaking to your ex, then know what you need to accomplish with the conversation. Plan accordingly.

Let's suppose for a moment that you need to ask your ex to return a cherished possession or to pay an outstanding mutual debt.

You do not want to start off with accusations and recriminations. Do not angrily rehash all of the things that had gone wrong with the relationship. Do not make snaky comments about any new relationship that may have cropped up since the breakup.

Try to remain neutral, especially if you need something. Who is going to be willing to pay a bill for someone who is shouting at them? Try to avoid childish name calling, but if you come up with a really good zinger, write it down for future use!

If your ex is the one that has initiated the conversation, consider his motives and what YOU want to accomplish. If this is a last ditch effort to try to win you back, think about whether you want that to happen or not. Are you the one that broke up with him in the first place? Is it truly and completely over?

If you know that you are done with him, now and forever, and he does not have all of your old Shaun Cassidy posters (You do know who that is, right? Or am I revealing my age?) in his garage, then by all means, let him know exactly how you feel.

There are some men that you could drop into the ocean, tied to a lead filled piano and they would still make it back to your door step, dripping wet and dragging a Steinway's keyboard. They truly do deserve the cold shoulder if you have told them more than four times.

In fact, the rule should be; if you have rejected an ex more than a half dozen times you can then whack them on the nose with a rolled up paper and say "bad boyfriend, bad, bad boyfriend" until they dash off, whimpering into the night.

Depending on location, you may or may not run into your ex. Maybe you will see him every day, maybe once a year, maybe never again.

You should know what you would do if you ever do run into him. Try to think about how you would feel. If you do have to talk to him, especially in public, try to remain calm and mature. Then, if you need to punch the hell out of a pillow when you get home and stick pins in a voodoo doll, you can with peace of mind.

If it the true desire of your heart to get back with your ex then you should get a copy of the book, The Magic of Making Up.

What Should I Do To Get My Ex Back?

I have never experienced so many painful emotions as when I broke up with my true love. You are probably feeling the same way and thinking to yourself, How do I get my ex back?
I was never so compelled to give up on life because I had so many heartfelt sensations...depression, sorrow, despair, grief, remorse, sadness, woe, pain, hurt, loss, worthlessness...the list could go on and on.

Think about it. Your major concern is 'what should I do to get my ex back?'. Am I right? I know positively that was my only thought. If you can remove yourself from all those feelings that you are experiencing right now and just think about the situation logically, you will be giving yourself the best chance of getting back together with that special person in your life.

2 things that can take you a long-g-g way to repairing your relationship are:

  • Common sense

  • and

  • Common courtesy

First, let's talk about common sense. Most people do have that, right?
Here are some common sense ideas.

  • Be genuine. Be real.

  • Don't play games. Don't be a player. Don't use people.

  • Be considerate. Think about someone besides yourself for a change.

  • Be sincere when you talk to your ex.

  • Give your ex some space. Don't smother them.

  • Be confident. Sure, you may feel like your world is falling apart but handle it responsibly.

There's only one thing that I can really say about common courtesy. Be nice. Don't be mean. Especially now, in this difficult situation it is very common to be even more vicious acting. That response is only natural. You are hurting and you see this as a means of defense. But it's not going to work very well for you if you really want to get your ex back.

Be on your best behavior and your ex will remember what it is that captured their heart in the first place. They will remember all the good things about you and miss those things.

Want to get your ex back? All you need is a step by step plan. You can get the best one HERE.